.NG Domain Status
You just registered a domain and you are unable to manage the domain, you checked the status on whois.com and it is showing restricted, it could be restricted by the registry for any reason.
If you do not know what the status indicates, read on to understand and resolve the status of your domain
Your domain is registered and ready to be used
Pending Create
The domain name has been restricted by the Registry because further documentation is needed to fulfil the domain registration and you have been unable to meet the registration requirements for the domain registration
Another reason for your domain to be in this state is that your domain violates the domain name registration agreement
To resolve this
Verpex details each TLD extension with a description of the requirements for its registration, go through the requirements,
- Login into your account and open a ticket
- Forward necessary documents to [email protected].
Pending Approval
The domain name you have requested is submitted to the Registry and is awaiting their approval and activation.
The domain is in an expired state and cannot be used
To resolve this,
Make payment for the domain to get re-activated and back online
Pending Delete/ Redemption
The domain is past the renewable period and has to be manually re-activated.
To resolve this,
- Log into your account and open a ticket
- A member of the support team will generate a new invoice to renew and restore the domain.
- Restoring the domain name will incur an additional fee(restoration fee)
- The registry will be contacted to restore the domain
- After restoration, the domain will be manually renewed at our end.
Client Transfer Prohibited/Client Delete Prohibited
The domain is active and cannot be transferred or deleted due to the registrar lock enabled
To resolve this,
If you wish to transfer the domain, you can simply disable the registrar lock and remove other restrictions on the domain.
While most generic top-level domain (gTLD) registries have automated processing, many country code top-level domains(ccTLD) require manual processing. Processing starts after all requirements, documentation, and information has been received. Then, your domain registration order is in line to be processed.
Registrations are often individually submitted, reviewed, and approved by a member of our support team and at the registry. It may take additional time for your registration to be activated and live. Each TLD extension is detailed by Verpex hosting with a description of how long a registration may take to activate.
Updated over 2 years ago