How to View Invoices
Hosting accounts and domain names are invoiced 14 days prior to the billing date. An invoice notification email is sent out at the time of invoice generation indicating the information of the product/service you are paying for(payment option, amount and due date)
Invoices are due on the billing date and will be cancelled by the system if payment is not made after 30 days. To view your invoices, you need to:
- Log into your client area
- Once logged in, click Billing -> Invoices
- This page will display a list of all invoices you have generated with us. The list is shown on the page as Paid, Unpaid, Credited(Refunded)
Paid - This is a list of the invoices that have been paid for
Unpaid - This is a list of invoices that are yet to be paid
Credited - This is a list of invoices that have been refunded, the status is shown as cancelled
You can download a copy of your invoice on your device. In order to do this, open the invoice you wish to download, click Download at the top right of the invoice.
Updated 3 months ago