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My Hosting is Suspended will my Emails work?

When your hosting account is suspended, not only your website will be down but all related services attached to the hosting will be down as well. You will be unable to send out and receive emails, your cPanel will be inaccessible and your website will go offline. This is why you should not allow your hosting account to get suspended.

We provide timely reminders and do everything we can to help ensure that our clients do not have to face the challenges of an expired hosting account.

Hosting accounts are invoiced 7 days prior to the expiration date. During the time the invoice is generated, a notification email is sent out indicating the outstanding amount and the due date. Shared hosting accounts and Reseller plans will be suspended 3 days after the expiration date in case of non-payment. With these policies in place, customers have ample time to renew before their hosting accounts get suspended.