How to Restore Your Website
Almost everyone knows how crucial a website and its content are. Having a full backup of your site in case something goes wrong is not only necessary but indispensable.
Verpex, as one of the best hosting companies there are, offers automatic twice-daily backups to make sure you always have a Plan B. If your website suddenly stops working, you can easily restore it to the time when it last worked properly through the cPanel’s Jetbackup feature.
In this article, we will provide a step by step guide on how to restore your website files and database through Jetbackup 4.
- First, login to your cPanel dashboard and type in JetBackup 5 on the top right search bar or find the File Backups option within the Jetbackup section.

- You will now be presented by a list of file backups that were taken for your account. Find the version you wish to click restore. In this case, we will pick the most recent backup available.

- Now you will see your account home directory. Normally your website files will be located within a folder called public_html. So tick on the check box next to its name and click the Restore Selected button. Next there will be another button that appears which you can go ahead and click. Please keep in mind this will overwrite everything within your public_html folder.
- Once the restore progress has been initiated, click the Go Back button on this page and the next page so that you will be brought to Jetbackup 5 main page.

- On this page, click the Queue option so that you can see the restore progress. Once it’s completed, the status will be updated without you having to refresh the page.

- Now check your website and see if it loads properly. If you still notice issues, it might be necessary to restore the corresponding database as well. So once again press the Home logo in JetBackup 5 and select Database.

- You will now see a list of database backups which could be a little overwhelming if you have multiple databases within your account. However, all you have to do is to paste your database name on the search bar. Once you find the appropriate date you’d like the database to be restored to, click Restore.

- You can now go back to the Queue page to view the progress. Once it’s completed, check your website again and it should now display the version of the date you chose to restore from.
Alternatively, you can download a backup of your website on your local machine if you do not wish to restore. The download button is beside the restore button, all you need to do is click the Download button and this downloads a copy of your website on your device.
Updated over 2 years ago