Charity Hosting
We strongly believe in supporting people who need help, which is why we will provide any registered charity with completely free web hosting. Every penny counts and you can use the unspent web hosting money on some other charity’s core activities
To get started with your free web hosting, first create an account with Verpex. Then contact our friendly support team and we will help you set it up.
In order to qualify for free charitable hosting, the charity must be a registered charity and have a registered or updated charity number or any document that proves you are a registered charity. The hosting account must be the same as the charity. If you already have a domain name registered with another registrar, you can easily transfer it to us or link your domain to the hosting account once active
For non-profit organisations, again create an account and contact us and we can discuss your options and choose the most suitable web hosting plan for your website.
There is no catch, we won't ask you to link back to our website or even advertise it on social media or necessarily transfer your domain name to us, our services are here to support the fantastic work you do every day.
There is no limit to the number of charity websites we can host. So if you know of a charity that could benefit from free web hosting or would like to transfer your charity site to us, please contact support.
Our charity hosting plan will provide you with everything you need to build a functioning website. Get 24/7 support via chat, email, and phone. We provide free SSL and backups with all of our hosting and have some of the best prices for domain names. Transferring your domain name into our control is free.
Updated over 2 years ago